Produced by Fred Dinkins at Dinkman Productions, Favor is Fred's debut album and he did not hold back. Fred gives way to a sea of sonic excitement as he takes listeners on quite the ride with songs featuring Stanley Clarke, Deniece Williams, Paul Jackson Jr., Dean Brown, Freddie Washington, Alex Acuna, Richie Garcia and many more talented musicians.
In 23 tracks, Fred gives us an easy listening experience that is a roller-coaster of lively soul sounds with a vibrant blend of funk, blues and jazz styles. Favor is full of life and perfect for his fans who love diversity.
A Grammy-nominated drummer and musical director, Fred knows his way around crafting a well-rounded record. Creating a sound bath of afro-percussion on Jubilee, to funk styles on his quick Juke Box intermissions and gospel-jazz feels on tracks like I Surrender All.
Picking the fun back up with his dynamic pockets and timekeeping on tracks like Mr.Lou, Give it up and Turn It Loose and Some Funk 4 Ya!, Fred leaves his fans wanting more.
Fred Dinkins is just getting started. Those interested in featuring this seasoned musician’s debut, Favor, or reviewing the album can begin listening now!